Patio area landscaping project completed by Greenscape.

Ready for Anything

A truck plowing snow during a heavy snowstorm.
Mother Nature can be unpredictable, especially in New England. For a business whose winter livelihood relies mainly on snow removal, the volatility of the winter months can wreak havoc on business plans and business relationships. How a business deals with this volatility is a pretty good indicator of their expertise and professionalism. There are countless ways to combat and plan ahead for these ever-changing conditions. Whether you have a responsibility to your direct employees or to a third party, having the strategic foresight and simultaneous adaptability will ensure success at your property.

The snow industry has advanced tremendously throughout the past decade, and there are many ways to stay on the cutting edge whether it be through pre-planning, high tech equipment, or reporting and communicating. During pre- season preparation, it is imperative to have photo documentation & mapping of the site. This helps to identify pre- existing conditions and potential problem areas to ensure every property is thoroughly inspected and accounted for.

In addition to planning, through proper reporting and monitoring managers should be alerted, notified, and up to date on any changing conditions in the weather. This leads us to another important aspect, communication. Communication is paramount pre-storm, during storm, and post storm in order to deliver efficiently and effectively.

Timeliness and efficiency are important factors that can be increased through high tech removal equipment. Liquid Brine applications reduce the amount of salt applied on a property dramatically, which in turn reduces salt damage on the environment. This application also grants the ability to treat surfaces well in advance of a storm, so when the snow hits you are prepared.

Additional value comes from GPS tracking of equipment and crews to ensure meticulous and thorough allocation of resources. Through a blend of improved machinery and equipment, reliable and passionate employees, as well as proper planning and communication, mother nature, even in the Northeast  is a tamable beast.

Check out our video from this past winter to see why here at Greenscape “We’re Ready For Anything”. If you are interested in reviewing options for your property this winter, please Click Here!

Snow Removal